#trends 2025 1/2
1 Cover 2 #shot 3 #shot 3 Content 5 Ad Gin Calypso 2 6 #trends 2025 7 Ozone Submarine 2024 7 Gin Genie Race 5 8 Ozone Submarine 2024 8 Gin Genie Race 5 9 Ad Niviuk Ikuma Arrow 10 Supair Alp 11 Supair Skymate 13 Ad Zoom XA 14 Instruments 15 Skybean Strato 16 Video: indestructible Display 17 Stodeus 19 XC Tracer 21 Syride 23 HUD: connected glasses 27 Ad Niviuk Hiko P Arrow P 28 Naviter Omni 29 Ad Horizon Parapente 29 Air 3 7.35 30 Flymaster Live One 30 Ad Skyman Shark 31 Flymaster Live DS 31 Ad Phi Beat 2 Light 32 Skytraxx 32 Ad Stodeus 33 Ad Niviuk Hiko Hawk 34 Ascendant Zian 35 Video: inflate fairing footplate 36 Ad Dudek 37 Neo Pro 38 Neo Push Up 39 Neo String Pack 40 Neo Koroyd 41 Neo Stay Up 1 vs 2 41 Buy second hand 49 Gin Yeti Race 51 Ad Next generation 52 Gin rescues 52 Ad Skyman Shark 54 Skywalk Range X-Alps AthleteVersion 56 Nearbirds Atacms 56 Ad Stoffrausch 56 Ad Stoffrausch 57 Bogdanfly Pizza Race 57 Ad Rock the Outdoor 58 Woody Valley 59 Phi 61 Phi Cabrio 61 Vidéo: Phi Protector Test 65 Test Windtech Dune 65 Vidéo: Test Windtech Dune 68 Niviuk Hiko Hiko P 69 Test Arrow P 70 Niviuk Artik 7 P 71 Niviuk Takoo 6 72 Skyman Cross Country 3 75 Imprint
Read the magazine as always for free:
1 Cover 2 Edito 2 content 3 Coupe Icare 2024 6 Ad Niviuk Hiko 7 Harnesses and protections 11 Ad Gin 12 Protectors: things are moving 14 Ad Zoom XA 16 Ad Stodeus 17 U96 18 Ad Niviuk Takoo6 19 Niviuk Arrow P 28 Reversible yes but no 31 Ad Niviuk Artik 7 32 Ad Skyman Shark 32 Advance Boundless 33 Ad Phi Beat 2 Light 33 Video: Advance Boundless 34 Ad Dudek 35 Gin Genie x-Lite 38 GIN 39 Ad Next generation 42 Ad Niviuk Takoo 43 winglets 45 20 years after: the Bionic 46 Ozone Magnum 4 48 Niviuk Takoo 6 49 News: Ozone ALTA-7 50 News: Ozone LYGHT 51 Ad Skyman Shark 51 News: Advance Sigma DLS 52 AirG Dent de Lion 54 Skyman Sir Edmund Shark 56 SWING Serac RS 60 Vidéo: The RAST story 61 Kite risers: controlling the angle of attack 62 Flare Moustache 64 Vidéo: Moustache piste 67 Flare Line 68 Flow Mullet 70 Little Cloud Puffin kite risers 71 Apco Nestra 74 Sky Paragliders 75 Phi 77 Zoom 79 Ad Coupe Icare 2024 80 ImprintRead the magazine as always for free:
1 Cover 2 Summary 4 Reserve to the rescue… 5 Video: Reserve release 6 World champions 9 Low flying shot 10 Shot smiley 12 An all blue Stodeus 13 #sitting! Harnesses 17 The rise of the Submarine 20 Test Neo Shorty 26 Air Design Sock vs Little Cloud Grasshopper MK 2 35 Dudek Hike & Cruise and Dudek Techno 2023 36 Dudek Techno 2023 41 Dudek Hike & Cruise 46 Red Bull X-Alps 2023: Maurer wins again... 50 Interview with Celine Lorenz 59 Video: Jean-Baptiste Chandelier No Way 60 The making of: Jean-Baptiste Chandelier No Way 70 Impressum 70 Index ads
Read the magazine as always for free:
1 Cover 2 Summary 3 World Championship 4 The X-Alps: Sleep more 5 Shot Ozone Viper Xc 6 EN C 2 liner Alex Höllwarth 7 X-Alps: Niviuk Klimber 3P 9 Flying technique, caress your risers 13 Stodeus UltraBip mini-vario maximum performance 22 Heavenly Bathtub Story by Laurie Genovese 23 Video Laurie Genovese 25 Drinking and peeing while paragliding 29 Video: Home Sweet Home 30 Portfolio Home Sweet Home 39 An unusual shot 40 Spring photo shoots 42 Stubai harnesses 43 Progress in the single skins 45 Getting started: Seven EN C 2 liners 53 Video: Seven EN C 2 liners 54 Impressum 55 Index ads
Read the magazine as always for free:
55 Advance Stubai 56 Apple Watch variometer 14 Chinese Balloon ? 1 Cover 53 Drift Merlin 43 Dudek Hike&Cruise 2 Editorial 74 Events: Cinema Icares 71 Flight Level Zero: 172 km out and return trip to the sea 69 Formation Qatar 40 Gin Bonanza 3 41 Gin Evora 20 Harnesses Niviuk 82 Index ads 24 Little Cloud Grasshopper MK 2 26 Neo 11 New models Phi 37 Niviuk Champions 35 Niviuk Kode P 12 and 14 36 Niviuk Peak 6 Artik R 38 Niviuk R-Bus 2 6 Nova Aonic Light, winch release 81 Ours 44 Ozone Photon Ozone Moxie 34 Phi Symphonia 2 Light 39 Profly Mike Küng 22 PWCA 2023 Castelo Brazil 16 PWCA Superfinal 3 Salons Thermikmesse, Stubai 46 Shot Ozone Zeolite Antoine Girard 49 Skyman Shark 50 Skyman U96 48 Skywalk Mint 32 Stubai-Cup 18 Submarine 2 Summary 28 Supair 47 Swing Libra RS 3 Thermikmesse, Stubai Cup trade fair 8 Twisted brakes... 52 U-Turn 68 X-Alps 2023: The route 1 Cover 2 Summary 2 Editorial 3 Thermikmesse, Stubai Cup trade fair 3 Salons Thermikmesse, Stubai 6 Nova Aonic Light, winch release 8 Twisted brakes... 11 New models Phi 14 Chinese Balloon ? 16 PWCA Superfinal 18 Submarine 20 Harnesses Niviuk 22 PWCA 2023 Castelo Brazil 24 Little Cloud Grasshopper MK 2 26 Neo 27 Video: Stand-Up Rescue System 28 Supair 32 Stubai-Cup 34 Phi Symphonia 2 Light 35 Niviuk Kode P 12 and 14 36 Niviuk Peak 6 Artik R 37 Niviuk Champions 38 Niviuk R-Bus 2 39 Profly Mike Küng 40 Gin Bonanza 3 41 Gin Evora 43 Dudek Hike&Cruise 44 Ozone Photon Ozone Moxie 46 Shot Ozone Zeolite Antoine Girard 47 Swing Libra RS 48 Skywalk Mint 49 Skyman Shark 50 Skyman U96 52 U-Turn 53 Drift Merlin 54 Advance Strapless 3 55 Advance Stubai 56 Apple Watch variometer 58 Video: Test Apple Watch 8 60 Interview with Chrigel Maurer 68 X-Alps 2023: The route 69 Formation Qatar 70 Video: AirLight paramotor fireworks 71 Flight Level Zero: 172 km out and return trip to the sea 74 Events: Cinema Icares 75 Trailer Video: Lumdo Kolola 76 Video: Eliot Nochez 77 Video: Trailer ‘Vulnerability’ 78 Video: From Avoriaz with Love 79 Video: Teaser Tic Tac 80 Video: Home Sweet Home 81 Ours 82 Index ads
Read the magazine as always for free:
The first real loop the loop
Explanations: looping the loop
X-Alps : the list
Jump from 39.000 m
Video: Speedriding Avoriaz
Skate and parachute
Coupe Icare 2022
Trends 2023
GIN Boomerang 12, the Humpback whale
Air Design
Alain Zoller
EN C 2 liner
Meryl Delferriere @ Niviuk
The battle of the submarines
Instruments Stodeus
XC-Tracer, Air 3
Free Aero is back
Read the magazine as always for free:
#autumn 2022
1 Cover Gin Fuse 3
2 Editorial
4 The faces of a storm...
6 Fungir Gowind
8 Trends 2023
11 Hike&Fly Dent de Crolles
15 2,5 lines with EN B
23 Holland and Denmark by paramotor
27 Test Niviuk Klimber 2P
30 2835 km following the butterflies
38 Video: Teaser FlyMonarco
40 Test Instrument Skytraxx 4.0
47 Index ads
Read the magazine as always for free:
#flight gear 2022 1_2
The new developments in 2022, notably those on display or launched since the Stubai Cup in the spring, have been numerous. But a large number of wings which have already been certified have still not been able to be delivered due to the saturation in production.
An interesting trend this summer, for which Swing have created the term ‘Social flying,’ has also appeared: Flying for pleasure, without any performance ambitions, with friends, often on foot and safely.
This is why paragliding is still booming at a time dominated by COVID and the war. In France alone, the number of licences passed has very noticeably increased. 1000 more licences were granted at the end of July 2022 compared to the previous year. Numerous new ‘tolerant’ models have targeted this market segment for safe wings for ‘Social Flying.’ While two years ago, the word we heard the most on each stand was ‘performance,’ this year it is ‘safety’ - a very welcome evolution…
Read the magazine as always for free:
Indian Summer 2020
Indian Summer 2020
Paragliding activities have recovered surprisingly well from the first shock of COVID. Manufacturers, who feared bankruptcy, are selling more than ever before, and during this summer, the skies have been full of pilots happy to have found their freedom again.
Read the magazine as always for free:
Summary: (For the full index [every photo and item] please click here)
- Editorial
- Ad Niviuk Ikuma 2
- Back to full speed ahead
- Ad Woody Valley Wani Light 2
- Ad Dudek
- Spotair: hike&fly calculation
- COVID: hike&fly
- Video: Hike&fly Niviuk Skin 3
- Ad Gliderbase
- Ad Syride Made in Chartreuse
- Ad Kortel Design Kruyer 3
- Video: Lockdown is over
- Ad Gin Vantage 3
- GIN Boomerang 12 humpback whale
- Ad Paratroc online shop
- Ad Adventure Crossover
- Ad MyExo
- COVID: airspace restrictions lifted
- Video: COVID-Flights Hamburg Airport
- Ad Niviuk Icepeak X-One
- Ad Icaro Gravis 2
- Ad XContest
- Creative confinement
- Ad Ozone Solos lite
- Neo: carrying bags for ladies.
- Neo dresses you
- Ad Apco Hybrid
- Advance Impress 4
- Advance Bipax and Bipro 3 harnesses
- Advance reserves: Companion SQR Light 190 and 80
- Ad ITV Piper
- Ad Skytraxx
- Videos: Chrigel’s comments
- Skywalk EN A Mescal 6 AgilitySystem
- Skywalk promotional videoEN C Cayenne 6
- Skywalk EN C Cayenne 6 now available
- Ad XCTracer Maxx
- Woody Valley Wani3
- Ad Paragliding Map
- News Niviuk Icepeak X-One
- Video: Niviuk Icepeak X-One
- News Apco Kitto
- Ad Level Wings
- Ad Ozone Delta 4
- First test of the Woody Valley GTO light 2
- Ad Skyman Discover
- Ad Air3 Phablette
- Ad Phi Maestro
- Test Gin Vantage 3
- Ad Niviuk Konvers 2
- For perfect control on the ground |- stay on the rear risers
- Video: working the rear risers Mike Küng, Nova
- Ad Windsriders
- Ad Advance Easiness 3
- Ad Skywalk Breeze
- Ad Independence Pioneer 3
- Ad GIN Calypso
- Test EN B+ Niviuk Ikuma 2
- Ad Icaro 2000 Nerv light
- Ours
- Subject index and photos
Trends 2020 part 2 (update)
Update: free.aero magazine remains free... and even better
As we already wrote last month, despite the consequences of the Corona virus Lockdown on the paragliding and PPG-economy, everything we have published in the past and in the future will, of course, remain available for free; that’s the principle of our magazine. There will perhaps be small changes concerning the number of pages... We will, on the other hand, highlight the upsides of these major changes. Lots of pilots have rediscovered slightly onerous tasks such as DIY and improving their own equipment which costs very little to do, along with training and mental and physical preparation, which costs nothing. You will therefore, from now on, find even more content of this type in your magazine free.aero...
And we have worked on a new feature many readers asked for:
A clickable index/summary on the website.
You can even find every photo and diagram in the ---> detailed index
And here we go for the simple, but clickable summary:
- free aero magazine remains free
- Ad Niviuk Octagon 2
- Manufacturers against Corona
- Ad Flyozone Mojo 6
- The paragliding market in 2020
- The participants
- Volume of sales
- Median price of wings
- The Weight of paraglider wings
- Wing aspect Ratio
- Glide Ratios of paragliding wings
- New models paragliders 2019
- New models paragliders 2019 by certification
- New models paragliders 2019 by certification
- New models paragliders 2019 by usage
- New models paragliders 2019 by certification
- New wings 2020
- Stubai Cup 2020
- Ad Woody Valley
- The Stubai-Valley
- Ad Swing Helios RS
- ad windsriders
- ad xcontest
- first test xctracer maxx
- Ad Advance Xi
- Adventure Nano Quad
- video adventure nano quad
- ad cameleon
- instrument air 3
- Ad Skyman Discover new paths
- Ad Apco Hybrid
- Reviwe Windsriders Super-Sleeves
- Ad Gin Calypso
- Kite: fly when the wind is too strong to fly.
- Ad Niviuk Skin 3
- Flysurfer (Skywalk): specialist in‘paragliding wings on water’
- Ad Levelwings
- Review: Skywalk Flysurfer Soul Kite
- Video: Flying with a kite.
- Review: Skywalk Flysurfer Peak 4:
- the single skin kite
- Ad Phi Maestro
- Ad Dudek
- Lines, splices, Do it yourself!
- Splicing a loop step by step
- Ad Adventure
- Video: splicing a line
- Other splices
- Review Advance Omega X-Alps 3 versus Omega X-Alps 2 two lines vs three lines
- Remember everything you have to know about 2-liner vs 3-liner
- Comparison chart flight characteristics Advance Omega X-Alps 2-liner vs 3-liner
- Ad Peguet
- Ad Paratroc
- Ad Niviuk Peak 5
- Quick test three modern EN Cs
- Test Swing Agera RS
- Test Swing Helios RS
- Ad Skytraxx
- Test Flow Fusion
- Test Supair Savage
- The three types of macronutrients
- Nutritional physiology: General mechanisms and principles
- Blood sugar regulation and energy crises
- fats, carbohydrates, proteins, summary of metabolism
- Proteins
- Fasting and ketogenic diet
- Video Siim and drwaing calorie reserves fatburner vs carbs-burner
- Ad Nova Aonic
- Ketogenic diet for pilots
- Ad Icaro 2000 Nerv Light
- Ad Syride Made in Chartreuse
- Index subjects and photos
We wish you a good reading and always happy landings
Read the magazine as always for free:
New feature: Index photos and subjects Trends 2020 part 2
New: Complete clickable index of the new issues of free.aero magazine Contents:
- Ad Advance Xi
- Ad Adventure
- Ad Apco Hybrid
- ad cameleon
- Ad Dudek
- Ad Flyozone Mojo 6
- Ad Gin Calypso
- Ad Icaro 2000 Nerv Light
- Ad Levelwings
- Ad Niviuk Octagon 2
- Ad Niviuk Peak 5
- Ad Niviuk Skin 3
- Ad Nova Aonic
- Ad Paratroc
- Ad Peguet
- Ad Phi Maestro
- Ad Skyman Discover new paths
- Ad Skytraxx
- Ad Swing Helios RS
- Ad Syride Made in Chartreuse
- ad windsriders
- Ad Woody Valley
- ad xcontest
- Advance Impress 4
- Adventure Nano Quad
- Apco F1 Rskimming the ground
- BGD Cure 2
- Blood sugar regulation and energy crises
- Cartoon Jean Paul Budillon Kite vs Parapente
- Characteristics Niviuk Ikuma 2/2P
- Cheaper Instruments (GARMIN vivoactive HR)
- Comparison chart flight characteristics Advance Omega X-Alps 2-liner vs 3-liner
- Comparison line plans Advance Omega X-Alps 2 and 3
- Comparison risers Advance Omega X-Alps 2 and 3
- Contents
- Drawing PMA Softlink Guido Reusch
- Drawing wind window kite
- Drawing: Adventure Nano Quad System
- Eric Roussel Neo
- Fasting and ketogenic diet
- fats, carbohydrates, proteins, summary of metabolism
- first test xctracer maxx
- Flysurfer (Skywalk): specialist in‘paragliding wings on water’
- Flysurfer Peak 4 technical data
- free aero magazine remains free
- Gavin McClurg (USA1), ketogenic athlete, during the Red Bull X-Alps 2019
- Glide Ratios of paragliding wings
- Index subjects and photos
- Info Nova Ion 6
- instrument air 3
- Ketogenic diet for pilots
- Kite: fly when the wind is too strong to fly.
- Lines, splices, Do it yourself!
- Little Cloud Harness
- Manufacturers against Corona
- Median price of wings
- Neo Cutter
- Neo Helmet Hexagon
- Neo helmet holder
- Neo Tandem harness Bikini
- New models paragliders 2019
- New models paragliders 2019 by certification
- New models paragliders 2019 by certification
- New models paragliders 2019 by certification
- New models paragliders 2019 by usage
- New wings 2020
- Niviuk Hook 5 at the top on the XContest
- Nutritional physiology: General mechanisms and principles
- Opinion Kelian Mira on Flysurfer Soul 12
- Other splices
- Photo Advance Omega X-Alps 2
- Photo Advance Omega X-Alps 3
- Photo Advance Omega X-Alps 3
- Photo Advance Omega X-Alps 3
- Photo Advance Omega X-Alps 3 Red Bull X-Alps
- Photo Adventure Crossfire
- Photo Apco Hybrid 2
- Photo Apco Softlink
- Photo body fat
- Photo bread
- Photo Broccoli
- Photo coconut oil
- Photo Cover: GIN Explorer inside
- Photo cruising Snow Kite Ski Ozone Kite
- Photo Details Flysurfer Peak 4
- Photo Flow Fusion
- Photo Flysurfer Peak 4 11
- Photo Flysurfer Peak 4 cruising in winter
- Photo Gavin McClurg X-Alps in the supermarket
- Photo GIN Camino and lines
- Photo High jump Flysurfer TubeKite
- Photo jump Flysurfer Peak 4 Snowboard
- Photo Jump Kite Mountain Board
- Photo Jump Snow Kite Ski Ozone Kite
- Photo Keeping ears folded Sky Paragliders Metis 4
- Photo ketogenic athlete Marko Hrgetic X-Alps Neo Rucksack
- Photo kite Flysurfer Soul 12
- Photo kite Flysurfer Soul 12
- Photo Kite Flysurfer Soul 12 high jump
- Photo kite Flysurfer Soul 12 Mountain Board beach
- Photo Kite Flysurfer Soul 12 outlet valve
- Photo Kite Flysurfer Soul 12 Ski
- Photo Kite Mountain Board
- Photo Kitesurf Tubekite
- Photo Kortel Kruyer III spliced adjusters
- Photo Kortel Kruyer spliced adjusters
- Photo Kortel Kruyer splicing adjusters
- Photo Kortel Softlinks T-Link
- Photo Line diagram GIN Camino and lines
- Photo lines marks prior splicing
- Photo Markus Gründhammer Skyman
- Photo muscles
- Photo needle for splicing
- Photo Niviuk Ikuma 2 classic version
- Photo Niviuk Ikuma 2 classic version
- Photo Niviuk Peak 5
- Photo orange juice
- Photo Ozone Kiteboard Foil
- Photo Ozone Light Mantra 7
- Photo Ozone Softkite R1 15
- Photo Ozone TubeKite at the sea
- Photo preparing Ozone Tube-Kite
- Photo repair-kit splicing Kontest
- Photo Sky Paragliders Apollo 2 light
- Photo Skyman Cross Country 2
- Photo Skyman Crossalps 2
- Photo Skyman Crossalps 2
- Photo Skyman Crossalps 2
- Photo Skyman Crossalps 2
- Photo Skyman Running Edmund
- Photo Skyman Running Edmund
- Photo Skyman Sir Edmund 2
- Photo Soja and Taifun-Tofu
- Photo Supair Savage
- Photo Supair Savage Detail
- Photo Swing Helios RS EN C
- Photo Swing Helios RS EN C
- Photo Swing Miura RS
- Photo Tom Chauvin
- Photo U-Turn
- Photo X-Alps Advance and X-Alps Ozone
- Photo XCTracer Maxx Screen buddies
- Photo:
- Photo: App Carbmanager
- Photo: Avocado
- Photo: Chocolate for the brain
- Photo: Coffee
- Photo: Euros
- Photo: Fare Coupe Icare 2019
- Photo: Flying wings Pic dels Moros
- Photo: Gavin McClurg
- Photo: GIN Bonanza Wing Over
- Photo: GIN Genie Lite, GIN Camino
- Photo: Hannes Zedel
- Photo: High Aspect Ratio Skyman Wing
- Photo: Hike& Fly, Neo Rucksack Neo Lite 90l
- Photo: Himalaya salt
- Photo: Junk Food
- Photo: Low-carb berries
- Photo: Nervures masks
- Photo: Niviuk Hook 5 above the sea
- Photo: Nova manufacturing masks
- Photo: Refueling in flight with trail mix
- Photo: Rucksack light Nervures
- Photo: Skywalk Cayenne 6
- Photo: Team Organisation Stubai Cup
- Photo:BGD Dual Light, Coupe Icare
- Photo:Dudek Viking
- Photo:Niviuk Hook 5P
- Photo:Nova Double Skin
- Photo:Ozone Mojo 6
- Photo:Shoot over Stubai Cup Skyman
- Photo:Skywalk Mescal 6
- Photo:Stubai Cup 2020
- Photo:Woody Valley Wani Light at launch
- Photos Advance Omega X-Alps 3 and Details
- Photos Adventure Nano Quad
- Photos Details : splicing
- Photos Details Instrument Air 3
- Photos Details Instrument Air 3
- Photos Details Light Mantra 7
- Photos Instrument Air 3
- Photos Kite Flysurfer Soul 12 inlet valve
- Photos Kite Flysurfer Soul 7 , Foilkite-Board
- Photos Kite Flysurfer Soul 9
- Photos Kite Red Bull
- Photos Kite Red Bull
- Photos Kortel Kruyer spliced adjusters
- Photos Nova Itus
- Photos Ozone Mojo 6
- Photos Phi Stubai Cup
- Photos Protein sources, nu3, egg
- Photos Rapeseeds, flax, salmon
- Photos splicing kit Cousin Trestec for softlinks
- Photos Supair Savage Mont Blanc
- Photos Taifun Tofu
- Photos Windsriders SuperSleeves
- Photos Windsriders SuperSleeves
- Photos XCTracer Maxx
- Photos XCTracer Maxx, Skytraxx 2.1
- Photos: Markus Gründhammer above the Stubai Valley
- Profiles Classic, Single Skin, Hybrid Apco
- Proteins
- Quick test three modern EN Cs
- Remember everything you have to know about 2-liner vs 3-liner
- Review Advance Omega X-Alps 3 versus Omega X-Alps 2 two lines vs three lines
- Review: Skywalk Flysurfer Peak 4:
- Review: Skywalk Flysurfer Soul Kite
- Reviwe conclusion Flysurfer Skywalk Peak 4
- Reviwe Windsriders Super-Sleeves
- Schema Cells, Mitochondria
- Schema MCT metabolism
- Splicing a loop step by step
- Stubai Cup 2020
- Technical data Advance Omega X-Alps 2 and 3
- Technical data Apco Hybrid 2
- Technical data Flysurfer Soul
- Technical data Niviuk Ikuma 2/2P
- Technical data Niviuk Peak 5
- Technical data Ozone Light Mantra 7
- Technical data Ozone Mojo 6
- Technical data Swing Miura RS
- Test Flow Fusion
- Test Supair Savage
- Test Swing Agera RS
- Test Swing Helios RS
- The paragliding market in 2020
- The participants
- the single skin kite
- The Stubai-Valley
- The three types of macronutrients
- The Weight of paraglider wings
- video adventure nano quad
- Video Siim and drwaing calorie reserves fatburner vs carbs-burner
- Video: Flying with a kite.
- Video: splicing a line
- Volume of sales
- Wing aspect Ratio
Read the magazine as always for free:
Trends 2020 part 2
free.aero magazine remains free
We are all doubly affected by the current lockdown although, obviously, we need to keep everything in proportion when compared to the dramas being played out in the hospitals. We are not just constrained to stay near our homes, but also deprived of the third dimension which, for many of us, has become a physical necessity. Feel the ground disappear beneath our feet… Soon…
In the meantime, our lives and society will have changed. The economy has been severely affected, and also therefore, in particular, the world of paragliding. Schools have lost a significant part of the season, and manufacturers have seen a massive number of orders cancelled. Obviously, this has also affected free.aero magazine. In addition, some of our readers have seen their incomes reduced. Everything we publish in the past and in the future will, of course, remain available for free; that’s the principle of our magazine. There will perhaps be small changes concerning the number of pages... We will, on the other hand, highlight the upsides of these major changes. Lots of pilots are rediscovering slightly onerous tasks such as DIY and improving their own equipment which costs very little to do, along with training and mental and physical preparation, which costs nothing. You will therefore, from now on, find even more content of this type in your magazine free.aero...
Sascha Burkhardt (founder of free.aero)
- free aero magazine remains free
- Ad Niviuk Octagon 2
- Manufacturers against Corona
- Ad Flyozone Mojo 6
- The paragliding market in 2020
- The participants
- Volume of sales
- Median price of wings
- The Weight of paraglider wings
- Wing aspect Ratio
- Glide Ratios of paragliding wings
- New models paragliders 2019
- New models paragliders 2019 by certification
- New models paragliders 2019 by certification
- New models paragliders 2019 by usage
- New models paragliders 2019 by certification
- New wings 2020
- Stubai Cup 2020
- Ad Woody Valley
- The Stubai-Valley
- Ad Swing Helios RS
- ad windsriders
- ad xcontest
- first test xctracer maxx
- Ad Advance Xi
- Adventure Nano Quad
- video adventure nano quad
- ad cameleon
- instrument air 3
- Ad Skyman Discover new paths
- Ad Apco Hybrid
- Reviwe Windsriders Super-Sleeves
- Ad Gin Calypso
- Kite: fly when the wind is too strong to fly.
- Ad Niviuk Skin 3
- Flysurfer (Skywalk): specialist in‘paragliding wings on water’
- Ad Levelwings
- Review: Skywalk Flysurfer Soul Kite
- Video: Flying with a kite.
- Review: Skywalk Flysurfer Peak 4:
- the single skin kite
- Ad Phi Maestro
- Ad Dudek
- Lines, splices, Do it yourself!
- Splicing a loop step by step
- Ad Adventure
- Video: splicing a line
- Other splices
- Review Advance Omega X-Alps 3 versus Omega X-Alps 2 two lines vs three lines
- Remember everything you have to know about 2-liner vs 3-liner
- Comparison chart flight characteristics Advance Omega X-Alps 2-liner vs 3-liner
- Ad Peguet
- Ad Paratroc
- Ad Niviuk Peak 5
- Quick test three modern EN Cs
- Test Swing Agera RS
- Test Swing Helios RS
- Ad Skytraxx
- Test Flow Fusion
- Test Supair Savage
- The three types of macronutrients
- Nutritional physiology: General mechanisms and principles
- Blood sugar regulation and energy crises
- fats, carbohydrates, proteins, summary of metabolism
- Proteins
- Fasting and ketogenic diet
- Video Siim and drwaing calorie reserves fatburner vs carbs-burner
- Ad Nova Aonic
- Ketogenic diet for pilots
- Ad Icaro 2000 Nerv Light
- Ad Syride Made in Chartreuse
- Index subjects and photos
Read the magazine as always for free:
Trends 2020 part 1
Trends 2020 1/2: here is the first part of our review of this year’s new products. As always, we are publishing all the new trends in two parts. In this edition, we also test some of the older trends like the Buteo, to check what has become of them…
Thermikmesse 2020
Reserve All-Up Weight
Stubai-Cup 2020
Bornes To Fly
Paragliding Databases
Folding Lines for En C?
News Phi
Head Over From 7100M
Video : Phi Allegro
News BGD
Gin Light For Xc
Video: Gin Camino
Xc Tracer Maxx With Screen
Fatal Accidents Of French Licence-Holders: Surprises, Statistics…
Bag/Harness Neo Shorty
Flying With Skis
Video: Neo Arva Airbag
Snowfeet: To Take-Off With Ski Feet
Ozone Mojo 6
News Ozone Zeolite/Zeolite Gt
News Swing Helios RS
News Skywalk
Arriba 4
News Skywalk
Cayenne 6
Test Niviuk Skin 3 And Skin 3 P
Niviuk Peak 5, Kougar 3
Single Or Double Skin?
Nova Double Skin
Nova Bantam
Quick Test Of The Nova Aonic
Test Icaro Buteo XC
A Reminder Of Our Tests Of The Nova Phantom
An Icaro Quick Folding Bag
Supair: Leaf 2/Leaf 2 Light
Video Leaf 2/Leaf 2 Light
Test Gin Leopard XS En D
Air Cross
Test Air Design Rise
Portfolio Ramon Morillasin Egypt
Read the magazine as always for free
Autumn 2019
Portfolio Coupe Icare 2019
Parabible: Paratroc replaces Para2000
Video: Nicolas Aubert Skimming
Test Nova Ion 5 and the Ion 5 light
Test Phi Maestro
Aerial Internet And Weather Stations For Pilots
Instruments from the Black Forest
Review: Skytraxx 2.1, small and powerful, FANET&FLARM included…
Test Dudek Colt 2
Test PPG Wing ITV Piper
Test PPG Wing Nova Speedmax 2
Portfolio Markus Gründhammer
Managing fear (2/2)
Lessons from the crash of flight AF 447: speak up!
Coupe Icare: Film Festival
Trailer: Lost in Karakorum
Trailer: Still Flying
Trailer: Icare
Trailer: Playing with the invisible
Trailer: Wayra
Trailer: Rencontre avec Zouhair
Trailer: Butterfly
Trailer: Flying in Iceland
Trailer: Own the Skies
Read the magazine as always for free:
A summary of the summer
Red Bull X-Alps 2019
Inverse X-Alps for Science
Video: Save the Alps
Météo-Parapente, new weather services
Landing on Mont Blanc 2019
The Syride Server knows it all.
Sys’evolution vs E-Ink Tablet
Managing fear 1/2
Portfolio On The Way…
News Gin Leopard
Review Gin Atlas 2
Review: Skywalk CumeoLesen Sie das Magazin wie immer kostenlos im Format Ihrer Wahl:
Mental Training. Bio-Hacking for pilots...
A pilot’s mental training is a key element, both for winning the World Cup and for clocking up the kilometres in an XC, or for leisure flying. There are lots of ways of making your mind work before and during a flight, from now on, we’ll frequently return to this subject.In this edition, we’ll be putting the spotlight on WHM, a method of ‘bio-hacking,’ working in depth with how we function, which can be very efficient
Read the magazine, as always for free:
#trends 2019 paragliding, paramotoring
Once again there are numerous trends concerning ‘Light’ and ‘hike&fly’ in 2019. It’s nicely timed as it’s the year of the Red Bull X-Alps, or to put it more precisely, the 9th edition of this completely mad race, which will encourage many pilots to make the most of the mountains before and after flying, on foot and whilst bivouacking...
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
#_icare_2018 and #trends part 1/2
At the 2018 Coupe Icare, the biggest free flying festival in the world, new technology such as the RAST system took pride of place. Hi-tech for flying with total peace of mind. We also noticed that the single skins, whilst diversifying, have gone fully into another, well established trend: lighter and simpler. This return to basics has also happened in cutting edge technology, such as the use of high-tech modern fabric like Skytex 27. It has been tried and tested for more than a decade now. The next step in light weight, Skytex 21, is expected to feature in the 2019 X-Alps. We visited the textile factory in France.
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As always, read the magazine free of charge in the format of your choice with the following topics, amongst others:
Summer 2018: The omnipresent heat ‘at all levels,’ should have stabilised the atmosphere more, stifling the thermals under a leaden veil or rather under an ‘anticyclonic cushion.’ But this wasn’t the case. Explanations and "Omegas"...
We are often asked ‘how do you take beautiful photos of paragliders?’ We have gathered together some great photos and put explanations with them. In addition, in response to our request, some photographers have chosen one of their favourite photos and told us its story themselves.
Fabric Karabiner, Softlinks vs. Softlinks: A few things worth knowing about these fashionable connectors. Also: an example of a fairly badly made connector.
By the way, look out for the next issue, later on this month: Special Coupe Icare 2018 and the first trends for 2019. We will show you in detail the latest equipment, the most interesting technological developments and explain how the framework of our sport is evolving....
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
Amongst other subjects, in this issue, we made an interesting observation: cocoon harnesses (especially the lightweight ones), are taking off in force, and rightly so: they bring performance and precision piloting, as well as comfort…
We are the Rovers Norvège
Video: Trailer Norway
PRE-WORLD CUP in Cerdagne
News : Et en + c’est vrai
Supertestival kössen
Aspect ratio
Test : Phi Symphonia
Supair Strike
Neo Stay Up
Harness test Nearbird Genesis
Paramotor World Championship in Thailand.
EN, TC136/WG6: Flying norms
A concrete example: the harness
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
Instruments & Collaborative Intelligence
To fly a paraglider safely, you don’t need to have an instrument. This is rare in the world of aviation! Nonetheless, modern varios are becoming more and more efficient in helping us to increase distances and the time we spend in the air. In this issue, amongst other things, we’ll take a close look at some instrument innovations…
quick test of the artik 5
news supair eona 2
independence pioneer 3
skyman rock 2
news highadventure beamer 3 reserve
news paratroc compress bag
news vario ungravity
news dolomiti superfly 2018
news neo container lite
news advance: daypack 3
news krushevo ozone open 2018
airtour 2018 competition or adventure?
news exomo
antartica seven virgin summits
flying with and without collaborative hitech instruments
collaborative flying: flarm&fanet
gpsbip and captive sensors
vario screens: readability
segment screens flymaster vario ls mipfly
news ascent h2
icarus x and icarus trophy
syride sys'evolution
test smartphone outdoor action-x3
caterpillar smartphone
traps in the water
test apco nrg xc II
portrait marie mateos
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
PWCA 2018 Brazil
Some nice pictures of the second event in the 2018 World Cup event which took place in Brazil.
Sharing our passion: tandems are one of the best ways. In this edition, along with other tests and information, we review tandem wings and describe ways to share great moments in the sky with friends.
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
Stubai Cup 2018
The Stubai Cup, which is one of the biggest events after the Coupe Icare, took place at the beginning of March.
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
The 2017 Paragliding World Cup
Super Final in Colombia
The 2017 Paragliding World Cup Super Final took place from the 9th to the 20th of January 2018 in Roldanillo in Colombia. It was won by Michael Sigel and Laurie Genovese...
Trends 2018
The 2018 season is almost here. Since the Coupe Icare, lots of new products and trends have surfaced. Here’s a resumé of the wings and equipment that we’ll see in the air...
And also:
We’re making the most of this equipment tour to introduce some of the essential figures
from the world of
paramotoring. There are a lot of amazing pioneers and personalities...
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
Light 2017
Adventure Pluma: Carbon everywhere!
Softlinks : simpler?
Taking off barefoot
The rules in the Mercantour National Park
Portfolio Vol Bivouac
Bivouac tents
The single skins move on
Test Niviuk Skin 2 vs Skyman Sir Edmund
Test Niviuk Bi Skin 2 P vs Skyman Sir Edmund Bi
Test lightweight helmets
Harness test: the Crux at the summit
Test Scorpio Alpage harness and backpack
Test GIN Explorer
Test Air Design : Vita 2 Superlight
Water when bivouacing
Portable solar oven
Reminder: folding lines
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
Paragliding World Cup Pico do Gaviao, Brazil
The Paragliding World Cup based at Aguas da Prata in Brazil was always going to be a Battle Royal.
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And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
300 KM on an EN B
168 KM on a tandem
Franky Zapata and his Flyboard Air
Climbing in a cauldron
To the sea
Finding the source
Cross section unleashed
The dust dance
To go up, release the handbrake
Portfolio a heavenly slalom
XAlps 2017: Chrigel wins again
Chrigel’s winning wing…
Paul Guschlbaur 3rd
Rising star Stanislav Mayer
Gaspard Pétiot
The outtersider at the top...
World championships monte avena
Test Ozone Delta 3
Test Apco Swift R
Climbing with smartphones
Going up electrically
Review Exomo
Measuring the thrust
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
Ultra light glider championships
Ozone Ozium 2
Niviuk Dobermann 2
Back to Grand-bo
Pioupiou everywhere
Mike Küng : Challenge
X-Alps : Chrigel x 5 ?
Skywalk : X-Alps3
Information: X-Alps 2017
XC-Tracer @ X-Alps
Flymaster: Tracker
World Championship at Monte Avena
The PWC in Serbia
The new racing machines
Three liners versus two liners
Four liners
BGD Diva
AirDesign : Hero
Test : Skywalk Poison X-Alps
Test: Niviuk Klimber P
Adventure: new racing wing
Ozone: Viper 4
Paramotor competition: Popular pylons
Home-made competitions
Icarus Trophy 2017
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
This edition is principally about (passive) safety. In a future edition, we’ll review new back protectors. News
Reserves on great form!
Tree landings
Karabiners: a weak link
Softlinks: buckle up
PMA: Lark’s head revisited?
Collision: risks and solutions
Test Independence Zippy
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
Trends 2017
Following the Thermikmesse and Stubai-Cup trade shows, we’ve given a roundup of some of the new products for this season, in this edition. Wing reviews: Nova Phantom, l'Ozone Zeno vs. Enzo 2, EN B Air Cross U-Cruise (record: 446 km with this wing)
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
End of winter 2017
SUPER FINAL Paragliding World Cup 2016
CHT – EGT Valuable readings
AIGUILLE DU MIDI high mountains at your feet
SITES Jungfraujoch, Little Matterhorn
TEST Dudek Nucleon XX
EXPEDITION following the migration route
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
Light, hike, fly & bivouac 2016
Portfolio: Gründhammer
Lightweight tents
Polini: Thor 190 light revisited
Icaro: Spreader Bars
ravel: the bird woman has landed
Gin: yeti cross reserve
High adventure: beamer 3 lightweight reserve
Fabric: light coming of age ?
Lightweight wings: presentation and tests
Advance: PI2, compress bag and pipack
Air Design: Vita 2 Superlight
Gin: Sprint 3s
Nova: Ion 4
Nova: Mentor 4 light
Skywalk: Poison X-alps
Gin: Griffin
Ozone: Jomo
Niviuk: Klimber P
Niviuk: Bi Skin 2 P31, the lightest tandem in the world
Lightweight Merrell shoes
Trekking travelling belt
Test Nervure: Expé 2 harness
Travel: Bike and fly across Europe
Flying bicycles
Travel: Icarus Trophy
Test: lightweight motors
Polini: Thor 80
kangook: Trekk II, the travelling chassis
Reuter flexible tank: ideal for travellers
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
Playing with wings
Technique : playing on the ground with Jean Baptiste Chandelier
Technique : ‘Touch’ for everyone
Technique : weight shift towards or away from the slope ?
Preparation : clipping in facing the wing
Flying techniques: steering using the rear risers
Take off techniques: cobra inflation
Mad Mike Küng: the pioneer of rear riser steering
News: Niviuk Roller
News: Ozone Fazer 3
Travel: The Danish Dune
Flying techniques: near the ground on a paramotor
Portfolio: Axel Jamgotchian
Playing perfectly: don’t try this at home
Test paraglider: Independence Geronimo 2
Test paraglider: Ground handling wings, Icaro Furia/Kiwi
Test paraglider motor: Apco Lift EZ
Test paramotor: Bidalot Eole 135
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
Coupe Icare 2016
At the end of September the Coupe Icare 2016 was, as always, an amazing spectacle and the biggest showcase of free flying and paramotoring in the world.
On the paragliding side, the new technology race is clearly on with the ever present SharkNose, or similar, as well as others like mini ribs right down to the EN As.
The EN B category is more and more sought after, the manufacturers offering wings which are very honed and with very high performance. The Nova Phantom, an EN B with 99 cells and at the modest price of 6500€, is an extreme example. We visited most of the stands.
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External reader Issuu
And of course you can also read it on one of our exclusive applications: Free Aero Magazine
Making a paraglider
- The office staff and the teams
- Digital design
- Raw materials: fabrics
- Raw materials: maillons
- Raw materials: lines
- The parts of a paraglider wing
- Manufacture
- paramotor manufacturers
Different formats available, as always for free:
2016, a new season
Omikron-Advance gets into accro
Grounded thanks to the buckles
Flight Technics
Controlling with your feet
Gin Carrera+
BGD Cure
Swing Mito - Myth or magic?
Aircross - Double U
The right mix for a paramotor
Stand up flying on a drone
SMAAP simulator
Special Instruments
What’s the point?
The flight recorder
GSM live tracking
Live tracking by satellite Spot, Delorme inReach SE, Explorer, YBTracking YB3
Measuring the wind
Air speed probes: true speed
Instruments: the new generation
Gyro-vario: new sensors and algorithms AHRS
XC-Tracer, Flytec Sensbox & Connect & Element, Compass C-Pilot Evo & Easy Pilot & XC-Pilot, Skytraxx 2.0 & 3.0, ASI Flynet XC1, Syride SysNav V3, Flymaster Live SD, Naviter Oudie 3+ & 4, Reversale VGP, Ascent H1 update, Digifly, GPSBip, Skybean Skydrop, Fly Electonics Motor Monitor
Trends 2016
PORTFOLIO: Horacio Llorens - Polar Paramotoring
News paragliding World Cup
Las Candelas
Trends: the weight of wings
Stretch out! (Trends aspect ratio)
Leading edge rods: a new trend from yesterday, evident today
Stubai Cup
The Swan project
Niviuk Ikuma 23, 25
Skywalk Cayenne 5 S, XS
Niviuk Kougar 2
Ozone Roadster 2
Ozone Viper 3
Dudek Snake versus snake XX
The exhibitors at the 2016 Thermik-messe trade show
Different formats available:
Feeling light
Single skins, back to our roots
Going up with single skins
The Skin Plume and the UFO face to face
Lightweight wings, the pros and cons
Unsheathed lines: why they need to be protected
Quick test: Kortel Kolibri Pro
Quick test: Skywalk Range X-Alps
Quick test: Skyman Coconea
Head torch test, an enlightened choice
X-Alps: the return of the poles
Leatherman: the multipurpose tool
A battery, up to the toughest race?
Karpo Fly Fantom extra light
Nova Ibex 3
Icaro Sitta
Ozone UL 3
Skyman CrossCountry
Gradient Denali
Trekking Trek
Nova Ion 3 light
Paramotor Adventure X-Race Lite
Paramotor Miniplane, the next generation
Polini light: Thor 80
Paramotor Simplify X1 Adventure
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- HTML-Format (in beta since december 2015)
- Reading ISSUU
JBC’S new video
Pilot and film maker, Jean Baptiste Chandelier has just released an impressive new video clip.
Weather, finding the right info to get higher
Which weather forecast for tomorrow?
Eight tips for forecasting the best days
The enigma of the Emagram
Piou-Piou : the weather station for everyone
Windfinder, the full story
Different formats available:
The Paragliding World Cup Bir, India
From the 21st to the 28th of October 2015 the Paragliding World Cup flew to Bollywood and beyond and, despite initial fears, there weren’t too many cases of Bir Belly even by the end of the competition.
Coupe Icare 2015
New wings
New equipment
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- PDF high quality
- HTML-Format (in beta since december 2015)
PORTFOLIO: Pyla force 10
TECHNICAL The harness, a third means of control
Leg straps are back
Cocoons evolve
Cocoon advice
Paramotor hang points, the highs and lows
Kortel Kruyer II
Kortel Kolibri
Neo String
Ozone F*Lite
Apco Split Legs
Skywalk Rangeair
Advance Lightness 2
Supair Delight 2
Niviuk Konvers
Woody Valley Wani/Wani Light
Harnesses for tandem passengers and children
Adventure X-Race LT
Attachments by Fly Products
Kangook Trekk
PAP 1400 PA 125
Blois and Ballenstedt
Different formats available:
Portfolio X-Alps 2015
The hardest hike and fly race in the world wasn’t too hard for Chrigel Maurer. For the fourth time he arrived far ahead of the others, in eight days, four hours and forty two minutes.
Whilst the other competitors have got until noon on Friday to battle it out, we are publishing this portfolio with the best moments of the race for the top places.
The first...
Firsts on paragliders and paramotors
First flights in the desert
First news of the summer
First 50 km
First single skin ‘normal paraglider’
Test Niviuk Skin
First wings what’s a first wing?
Test Ozone Atom 3
Test Advance Epsilon 7
Test Ozone Buzz Z4 and Buzz M
Test Adventure Flex-One
Test Air Design Ramaflex
From the first autonomous flight to the first tumbling on a paramotor
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- HTML-Format (in beta since december 2015)
Tips and Tales from Bir in India - Paragliding World Cup
The last leg of this years Paragliding World Cup will be held in Bir, India from the 24th to the 31st of October 2015. To find out more about flying in Bir, I turned the clocks back many, many years and got in touch with the very colourful Eddie Colfox...
Asymmetric collapses
Get ready to take off for a new season!
Trends for 2015
Trends for 2015. In this issue, you’ll find news and information about the people, the races, the gear and the activities which are going to be the talk of the coming season.
Dobermann-Niviuk Portfolio
The Spanish manufacturer asked Antonin Michaud Soret to film a promotional video for their freestyle/slalom paramotor wing, the Dobermann.
Urban Pylons – Korean Style. Film: We are the rovers 2
The latest episode of ‘We are the Rovers’ has just been filmed in Korea, starring Sylvain Dupuis and his paramotoring friends.
Light: lighter, more compact equipment
- Softlinks
- Nevures’ Whizz
- Neo’s String
- Kortel Kruyer 2
- Woody Valley’s Wani
- The sky’s the limit: lightweight paramotoring.
- Monopeaux with motor
- Actus
- Dyneema
- Titanium
Different formats available:
- PDF high quality
- HTML-Format (republished, in beta since december 2015)
Full flight test plus video : Trekking Senso and Senso Sport
The French manufacturer has succeeded in making this wing in Europe, no mean feet given the very tight financial constraints at the moment. The first wing, the Senso, came out in 2013. A year later the Senso Sport was launched with the same profile and geometry but a kilo lighter, and with other improvements.
Canada: Europe 7000 km behind me 3 000 km of forest in front of me...
Sylvain Dupuis visited Canada this autumn, and discovered a wonderful playground for paramotoring. He shares his trip with us…
Coupe Icare 2014: the paragliding festival with all the new ideas.
Once again, this unique ‘family festival’, the biggest of its kind in the paragliding/paramotoring world, was the place to unveil new products and market the latest trends.
Hitec: New Technology designed for pilots
Tests: a bluetooth vario for less than 70 euros…
Pioupiou: your own personal windtalker for 200 euros
The skynet network: swarm intelligence for pilots
Satellite based safety: delorme versus yellowbrick
Drones: on your heels
Modern profiles : reflex and shark
Light : a harness weighing less than 100 grammes…
Report: google glass : head-up display for paraglider pilots
Clouds - A Dangerous, Heavenly, Threatening Landscape
Clouds crown the thermals and the fabulous earthly landscape, and also represent danger. But when?